Saturday, September 10, 2011


Wow, it has been one heck of a summer! My posts have been a bit on the downlow but I am pleased how many views I am getting hence my lack of update. I have been up to many great things, camping trips, bbq's, trips to the beach (yeeeah Iceland has a beach), eating delicious food, Gay Pride festivities, downtown shopping, hazing at my new school, a school trip for the freshmen that was beyond amazing and just chillin' with ma family. Good news, last week I got a new camera!! Which means tons of photos will be taken for the blog. I used to use a point and shoot but it just had such crappy quality and I rarely liked the pictures I took. Now I got an Alpha Nex-3 Sony camera with a 16mm lens and it's just a page turned in my life. Such good quality in dim light and bright areas. I'm no photography fanatic so the Alpha Nex kind of outweighed the thought of a DSLR and I couldn't be happier. With no further ado I will show you guys some photos!

Me after my first day of school! I don't really like my face expression, it's like I am a balloon-head! But I loved the colors so I allowed myself to let it be. Let it be.

My little brother down by the sea. I swear to god that is my favorite place here in my town. We biked for 5 minutes and got to this beautiful place just by the freeway there is only a wall of grass in between that totally soundproofs the spot. It is was so peaceful and serene.

Oh and yeah, the sun does shine in Iceland.

My brothah taking a photo of me being such a pro with the camera!

My brother, my sweet joy.

Tomatoes, homemade croutons, garlic, coriander, more garlic. 
My mom does wonders in the kitchen.

Me being proud of my brand new bike-basket!
 Bike-basket, is that a word?

ME. Although it looks like my breast is falling out hahah! It is not, just shadows playing with ya.

My new Camper Malasas! SOOOOO GORGEOUS! I have a thing, a fetish for Camper shoes. I absolutely must show you them on my feet sometime!

I wore them to my first college party.
Wow I am loving my life, I am in college now. 
So hard to believe!

Some awesome photo I stumbled upon. Love the color coordination. 
It really does brighten a room!

Rumi Neely's beyond gorgeous photo of Central Park from her hotel window!

I have been listening a lot to an Icelandic band called GusGus. Kudos if you have heard of it! Their songwriting is so amazing. Something I have never experienced, I get inspired when listening to their music. This feeling of nostalgia dawns on me, like I realize life is short and despite me being 15 years I should start doing everything I've ever wanted to do in my life because it might be over soon and the chance might be gone to fulfill something I was looking for. It also brings this horrible feeling like my life is over and I look back and realize my life was a waste, I wasted it doing nothing. They must be one hell of a band if ALL THIS comes from listening to their music. I definitely recommend this song called within you. Listen below. I am basically ordering you to listen, it is so good.  

I have decided it is just a good inspiration. I am going to start to smile more, and act on my instincts more, say yes more, compliment others more. Not because I am afraid my life will end tomorrow, just for increasing the quality of my life and others.

Oh and I am forgetting the big news! I am going to Stockholm october 13th!!!!! I'd love to hear from all of you guys who have been there or even better, live there! Tell me where to go, where to shop, where to eat, what to do, what to see. I'd love to hear. 

Love Always.

Oh an guys I hope you enjoy New York fashion week! Even though it's through the computer or with your bare eyes, I truly hope you enjoy it.

Love you guys!

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