Thursday, June 30, 2011

Forage has the most amazing bow-ties! (I kind of overuse the word amazing, sorry guys.) I really love the idea of putting a bow on it when it comes to making your outfit pop. I can assure you, these down here will pop up any outfit. 

For the ladies

And for the gents

Handcrafted geniousness!

Love Always


  1. I love tartan and these bow ties are so cute!

    Following you now on Bloglovin and Google, I would love it if you followed me back!

    Stories and Sequins

  2. ohh these checked patterns are GORGEOUS! the ladies ones are so adorable!


  3. Þær eru æði!
    Er reyndar ekki mikið fyrir slaufur á stelpum, en stráka slaufurnar eru með þeim flottari sem ég hef séð.


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